BLOSSOM AS THE CLIFFROSE: Mormon Legacies and the Beckoning Wild
edited by KARIN ANDERSON and
"Danielle Dubrasky and Karin Anderson are expert guides to this territory. Let them and this book bring you home."
—JOANNA BROOKS, author of The Book of Mormon Girl and co-editor of Mormon Feminisms and Decolonizing Mormonism
Blossom as the Cliffrose: Mormon Legacies and the Beckoning Wild features original poems and prose by talented writers who are faithful, non-faithful, believers, heretics, converts and de-converts, dragged in or forced out of the Mormon faith. This dynamic collection demonstrates the breadth, complexity, and diversity of a Latter-day Saint legacy of commitment to natural place and challenges us to examine the myriad ways our own deeply rooted heritage shapes our personal relationship with landscape.
June 2021 | Nonfiction | 978-1-948814-42-3 | 250 pp | 21.95

KARIN ANDERSON is a professor of English at Utah Valley University where she focuses on creative writing, lit theory, wilderness and environmental writing, LGBTQ lit, contemporary narrative genres, and honor legacies. Her work has appeared in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Quarter After Eight, Western Humanities Review, Sunstone, Saranac Review, American Literary Review, and Fiddleblack. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and holds degrees from Utah State University, Brigham Young University, and the University of Utah. She hails from the Great Basin.

DANIELLE BEAZER DUBRASKY directs the Grace A. Tanner Center for Human Values and is an associate professor of creative writing at Southern Utah University. Her poetry has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Chiron Review, South Dakota Review, Ninth Letter, Main Street Rag, Pilgrimage, saltfront, Sugar House Review, Cave Wall, Open: Journal of Arts & Letters, Under a Warm Green Linden, and Her chapbook, Ruin and Light, won the 2014 Anabiosis Press Chapbook Competition. Her poems were also published in a limited edition art book Invisible Shores by Red Butte Press of the University of Utah. 
“Meditative and energizing, fierce and loving, balanced and rhythmic. An invitation to welcome faith and nature, and to embrace the tensions and beauty that spring from every crack and cranny along the way.”
“When I ask my Mormon-Jewish daughter when she feels most Mormon, she tells me, ‘When I am outside, in the canyons, in the mountains, in the West.’ The beloved community of writers assembled here articulates a thousand reasons why so many of us feel this way. These are rich and complicated feelings—not just the sublimity of Wordsworth’s environmental imagination, but also feelings of betrayal, reverence, disappointment, pleasure, misunderstanding, and loss appropriate to a place storied with theft and massacre, failed dams and inland seas, uranium and abandoned poisons, dried seeps and sacred groves, salt and gulls, sego lilies, and hordes of crickets. Danielle Dubrasky and Karin Anderson are expert guides to this territory. Let them and this book bring you home.”
—JOANNA BROOKS, author of The Book of Mormon Girl and co-editor of Mormon Feminisms and Decolonizing Mormonism
“No idea looms larger in the Mormon mind than wilderness—a pure, unspoiled place that gives people refuge and prepares them for revelation. Blossom as the Cliffrose gathers some of Mormonism’s most creative voices to testify to the power of wilderness spaces—in the land, in our faith, and in our lives. The essays and poems in this volume come from the heart of the wilderness and are themselves both refuge and revelation.”
—MICHAEL AUSTIN, author of Reading the World and Buried Treasures
What Falls Away by Karin Anderson is a novel of family, art, and the raw process of healing. Cassandra Soelberg, pregnant at seventeen, was cast out by Mormon patriarchs of her community. Returning to her rural Utah hometown after forty years to care for her senile mother, she meets a young man with an uncanny resemblance to the father of her never-known child. Drawn back into traumatic scenes of young adulthood, she must reconcile with her past in the fiercely beautiful landscapes that shaped her.
"A powerful novel that will resonate with anyone who has returned to a place they no longer recognize as home."
Karin Anderson
Tacey M. Atsitty
Matthew James Babcock
Kumen Baldwin Louis
Phyllis Barber
Danielle Beazer Dubrasky
John Bennion
Lisa Bickmore
Christopher Nelson Bowcutt
Scott Cameron
Tyler Chadwick
Jennifer Champoux
Star Coulbrooke
Kathryn Cowles
Reb Cuevas
Stacie Denetsosie-Mitchell
Amelia England
Megan Fairbanks
Jack Garcia
George B. Handley
Jack Harrell
Heather Holland
Theric Jepson
Tamara Johnson
Melody Newey Johnson
Kimberly Johnson
Farina King
Lance Larsen
Kumen Louis
Lyn McCarter
Michael McLane
Lee Ann Mortensen
Thomas W Murphy
Christopher Nelson
Sarah Newcomb
Twila Newey
Julie J. Nichols
David G. Pace
Michael William Palmer
Dayna Patterson
Matthew Pockrus
Lisa Madsen Rubilar
Kathryn Knight Sonntag
Laura Stott
Nano Taggart
Robert Terashima
Laura Walker
Ronda Walker Weaver
Darlene Young
Natalie Young